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Etude-Fantasy on the name of Haydn (2020)

for piano
commissioned by Music@Menlo
world premiere: August 6, 2020 at Music@Menlo; Michael Stephen Brown, piano

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Haydn’s death in 1809, Debussy and Ravel, along with four other Frenchmen, were each asked to compose a piece in his honor by the International Society of Music. The six composers were tasked with using the notes B-A-D-D-G to represent Haydn in their pieces. Inspired by their tributes, I wrote my own whimsical etude, incorporating the same (HAYDN) pitches and his innovative pianistic techniques. My piece pays further homage with its sprightly, jubilant character, reminiscent of many of Haydn’s compositions.

- Michael Stephen Brown


Music@Menlo Live, Haydn Connections, Vol. 6 2023 Music@Menlo
Michael Stephen Brown, piano

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